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Tailored Advice

Whether you are a foundation or a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO), C3 will tailor our approach to ensure all appropriate parties are involved in the compensation review process.




Market Review & Program Development

Ongoing Advisory

C3 may be engaged by protocol leaders, elected members, investors, or  the community. The scope of the work will be reviewed and approved.

The most important step. C3 interviews core team members to learn about the compensation history and to understand the mechanics of the current program. We gather important information on historic grants and sales, compensation levels, and token holdings. Team members will also answer key questions that will assist C3 in the program development process.


If requested, C3 can also interview other appropriate parties or conduct an open forum with the community to gather their thoughts on the protocol's compensation program and strategy.

C3 will prepare a market review, which may include any of our Services. Standard reviews typically include a:

  • Summary of the high-level interview findings from team members, who will be anonymized, and other parties, if applicable.

  • Description of the current compensation program, including summary of realized and current pay opportunities for the team.

  • Benchmark of current compensation levels and mix by job function relative to market data.

  • Benchmark of token holdings as a percent of tokens outstanding relative to market data.


C3 will combine findings from interviews and our market review, as well as leverage our experience advising corporations, to propose an ongoing compensation program for the protocol. The final report typically includes:

  • A summary of the key risk areas of the current program, as well as potential mitigants.

  • Proposed compensation levels or ranges, by element, for the team.

  • Recommended design of a bonus plan and/or long-term token grants, which may cover performance metrics, vesting periods, and targeted ownership levels.


C3 can present the full report to the appropriate parties and will work with them through implementation. 

Organizational structures and governance requirements evolve. C3 will guide protocols and communities through these issues and serve in an ongoing advisory capacity as requested.


Get in touch to learn more.

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