Compensation Strategy Development
The protocol's compensation strategy drives program design. C3 spends time understanding the protocol's compensation history, governance structure, and strategy, which is summarized and communicated to appropriate parties.
Team Treasury
The token pool can be a sensitive issue, but maintaining a healthy team treasury ensures contributors are properly motivated long-term. C3 can review the team treasury and analyze estimated duration and potential dilution to tokenholders.
Competitive Benchmarking
The protocol's program is benchmarked against market data, to the extent available. Analyses may include:
Pay levels and mix
Realized pay (vested/sold)
Token holdings
Vesting terms
Severance provisions
Governance & Compliance
C3 has experience with robust technical and legal compensation complexities at corporations. As the industry evolves, C3 will be well-equipped to navigate through issues such as, disclosures, ownership guidelines, tax and accounting, and regulatory considerations.
Incentive Plan
To drive performance and hold leaders accountable, incentive plans should include performance components. C3 can help with:
Short- (annual) and long-term (>1 year) plans
Performance metrics
Goal-setting and vesting
Accounting and tax
Ongoing, Independent Advice
Governance structures are evolving and C3 has experience communicating programs to shareholders and investors. We are also here to serve in an ongoing advisory capacity as your protocol tackles unique compensation issues.